Recipe: Cheese Muffins
{Carb alert} My mom used to make these beautiful bread muffins intertwined with cheese as a treat for us growing up. We would wait ever so impatiently for the tray of freshly baked beauties to come out of the oven before we'd descend upon them within seconds. My favourite way to eat them is to unravel the bun before devouring it 😀 Those of you who know me well can vouch for my utter love for cheese and these cheese muffins are the epitome of that very love. Have a happy Friday all!
Cheese Muffins
Ingredients: Basic yeast dough Mix together: Turn out dough, oil hands and punch down onto floured surface. Roll into rectangular shape and cover with cheese or filling of your choice. I use a lot of cheese. Roll up like you would a swissroll and cut into 2cm pieces. Oil and spray a muffin tin and place each slice into the cups. Egg wash lightly and bake at 220C till done. |