Recipe: Low Carb Samoosas
And here it is, as promised! 😄 For all those looking for healthier alternative to the norm: low carb samoosas! They're easy to make and extremely forgiving as holes and tears can easily be patched up due to the nature of the dough which makes filling that much easier too! They can be fried in the airfryer without oil, as the natural oil from the cheese helps to brown the exterior creating a light crunchy texture. I prepared a batch of these in anticipation of the holy month of Ramadhaan as our intention this year, along with gaining spiritual insight and peace is to cleanse not just our minds, hearts and souls but our bodies as well. Find the recipe in the comments section and prepare to enjoy guilt free savouries for iftaar 😘 I'd like to wish all my Instagram friends observing the fast, a month of peace, love and forgiveness and a happy Friday to all! P.S. Keep an eye out for my next low carb savoury discovery!
Recipe credit: Adapted from the fat-head pizza dough For the dough: Method: Note: the addition of cream cheese makes the dough softer however for a crunchier texture but also slightly dry texture, omit the cream cheese. Recipe credit: @aniseeds Ingredients: 1kg chicken mince Instructions: Heat up ghee in large pot Once water is cooked away and mince is nice and dry, remove from the heat and allow to cool. Adjust salt if needed. Once cooled, add the chopped coriander. |