Linkside High School friends Tina, Bulumko, and Zukhanye take home the tenth weekly prize of R5000 in News24 and Adcock Ingram OTC Dance of Brave challenge!


The winner of the tenth weekly cash prize of R5000 is a trio of best friends, Zukhanye Peter, Bulumko Zinto, and Tina Ngaleka from Linkside High School located in Gqeberha, Eastern Cape.


The group includes two matric students, Zukhanye and Tina, who are preparing for university and their grade 11 bestie Bulumko who had come together to switch things up with an original dance set to ‘We Will Rise’.

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While sharing a laugh over missing the tutorial for the dance, the trio decided to upload an original submission as is with the hope of impressing all comers. This added a flair and zest that allowed them to stand out among the other entries. 


The campaign buzz created online and on social media caught the trio’s attention and thrilled them with the chance to create a fun dance and win.


“We (Zukhanye and Tina) had just finished our matric final exams and had ample time to get together and choreograph a routine for the challenge,”


explains Zukhanye. After filming their choreography, the group decided to upload their original moves and are overjoyed that the risk worked out in their favour.


The group plans to split the prize money equally between them. Tina and Zukhanye plan to use the money toward their university prep and Bulumko aims to save his money toward his preparation for university. 


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This season of Sponsors of Brave is calling on all South African residents to Be Brave, Mzansi and to do the Dance of Brave. To celebrate and commemorate just how far we have come as a country, the Be Brave Mzansi campaign is asking everyone to get up and dance, as we rise together to beat the virus. Those who submit a video to enter stand a chance to win a weekly cash prize to the tune of R5,000. Three video entries will be selected as overall winners: one by a nationwide public vote who will win R20,000 and two chosen by the panel of judges and The Ndlovu Youth Choir who will win R10,000 each - one for the best individual or family and one for the best school or organisation.


Nicole Austin, Adcock Ingram OTC Sponsors of Brave ambassador encourages everyone to get involved.


"Our country has weathered so many storms, and we continue to rise, mostly because of our spirit of gratitude. We express this in many ways, but there is no more impactful way to show our courageous South African spirit than through song and dance. It unites us, it fuels us, and it is central to this brand new season of Sponsors of Brave - Be Brave, Mzansi. So get up, be brave, and move, Mzansi!”


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Take inspiration from the internationally acclaimed Ndlovu Youth Choir from the hills of Limpopo and local celebrities such as Lira and Siv Ngesi as they challenge you to learn the Dance of Brave and share in the joy across South Africa.

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 #iloveza❤️🇿🇦 #AfterFajrGrind Accolades:

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Nabihah Plaatjes Accolades:

2023 CEO of the Independent Media Association of South Africa (IMASA)

2018 Contributing Author to SAFFRON: A Collection of Personal Narratives

2017 Recipient of Owami Women & Brand South Africa's Play Your Part Award

Ziyaad Plaatjes Accolades:

2021 Mail & Guardian Top 200 Young South Africans: Arts, Entertainment, Film & Media 

2020 Contributing Author to There's a Story in Everyone