Recipe: Comforting Sausage and Tomato Casserole

There are days when you crave comfort food. Food that brings back memories of your childhood and just thinking of it pokes at the saliva glands. Food that makes you nostalgic for times less complicated, less rushed. Or maybe food that makes you think of favourite places and holidays. Recently I’ve had a craving for one such dish. Even in the heart of summer, I’ve been having lussies for this comforting winters dish and decided to make it anyway. I’ve called this recipe a Sausage and Tomato Casserole. My siblings will say I’m being fancy, as growing up we knew this dish simply as Sausage Food.
Back in the day we would use mutton or beef sausage, but I’ve cut down a lot on red meat and I’ve opted for a healthier chicken sausage. If you can get free range that’s even better. I like the the roasted chicken flavoured chicken sausage from Pick n Pay as it adds another level of flavour to the sausage. Normally it would be served with slightly soft white rice but I went for healthier brown rice instead. Admittedly, the white rice is certainly more comforting. But serve it any way you like. Comfort food after all is about what makes you comfortable.
Comforting Sausage and Tomato Casserole Instructions |