Fleet Safety Awards’ final surprise



As entries to the Fleet Safety Awards teeter at the close, MasterDrive looks forward to announcing a final surprise for entrants.


Every entry received since the Awards opened on 2 May up until 4 October will be entered into a lucky draw to win a R2000 voucher at the Fleet Safety Awards.


The CEO of MasterDrive, Eugene Herbert, says the support of various partners made this one of the best entry periods yet.


“From the early entry prizes to the addition of a new category, it has been an action-packed entry phase. Now we introduce the final surprise: a lucky draw for a voucher at the final Awards ceremony.”



Why Fleet Safety Awards is important

MasterDrive is involved in various endeavours to spread road safety awareness and encourage the best driving possible.


“While it is important to acknowledge the harsh reality of crashes on our roads, plenty can also be achieved by recognising what is being done ‘right’ as well. The Awards are an opportunity to recognise the efforts being made to change high fatality rates in a positive manner,”

says Herbert.


With all the challenges the average person faces daily, it is vital messages about road safety do not become white noise.


“The message holds much greater power when it shows how road safety efforts are recognised and rewarded rather than only being told what not to do."


“A message about an individual or organisation that is recognised and rewarded for road safety strategies, will have a much greater impact. Positive messages promoting road safety will have significantly more power than negative ones.”


Additionally, MasterDrive feels privileged to show recognition where it is well-deserved.


“The actions of 10 good drivers on the road at once has a far greater impact than the actions of one risky driver. Unfortunately, consequences of that risky driving garners much more attention when it goes wrong than drivers who quietly complete their journeys without incident."


“The Fleet Safety Awards is our opportunity to change this narrative. It is a chance to show every driver appreciation for playing their part in creating safer roads every time they get behind the wheel. This, consequently, has various benefits for organisations and drivers.”


For this reason, we encourage every fleet that is proud of their road safety efforts to enter the Fleet Safety Awards before it is too late.


“The entire process is designed to show our appreciation in various ways and the addition of a R2000 prize is another way to achieve this."


“To those that have joined us for our third Fleet Safety Awards, we thank you and wish you the best of luck as it enters the final judging phase. For everyone else, the only question that remains is what reason do you have to not enter?”

asks Herbert.

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