67 Blankets Knit-a-thon heads to The Yard Riversands

Everyone is invited to a 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day Knit-a-thon hosted at Ingénuité at The Yard this Saturday 20 October from 09H00 to 13h00. If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to crochet, this is your opportunity.
67 Blankets Knit-a-thon
Image Supplied by the Publicist

The morning of knitting and crochet is open to all levels of skill – wool and needles will be provided along with good cheer and instruction. Experienced knitters are invited to knit or crochet on the morning to contribute to the INCREDIBLE 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela day project. The event is one many organised by 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day , an incredible initiative that has become a “knitting revolution” that has given thousands of South Africans comfort and warmth during winter.
“We hosted the first Ingénuité Knit-a-thon in June 2016 at Montecasino with many happy knitters taking part. The 67 Blankets initiative is an important nation building initiative – it’s one with heart and community spirit. We’re delighted to bring this event to our new home at The Yard, Riversands,”
says Dave Openshaw, owner of Ingénuité at The Yard.
“We are really excited to be wooling once again with Dave at his new home at The Yard and after our last successful knitathon with him and his team, we hope to see many old and new knitwits on Saturday“,
says Carolyn Steyn, 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day.
Ingenuite at The Yard Riversands is based at Riversands Incubation Hub, located north of Fourways off the William Nicol.

About 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela

In December 2013, Zelda la Grange, the late President Mandela's assistant, presented philanthropist Carolyn Steyn, with a challenge: knit, sew or crochet 67 blankets. These blankets would then be distributed to those in need on Mandela Day. Carolyn gladly accepted Zelda's challenge but soon realised that she wouldn't be able to achieve it alone. She called on her friends for help and developed a Facebook group called "67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day". In just days, hundreds of people from around the world had pledged to knit a blanket for Nelson Mandela Day. Since then, 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day has transformed into what some are calling a "movement" - a movement that has captured the attention of many South African and international celebrities as well as corporates and "KnitWits for Madiba" across the world.
Ingénuité at The Yard

Ingénuité (en/ja/new/a/tee) at The Yard offers a unique shopping experience that showcases clever, inventive and high quality African goods. The initiative aims to create a showcase and entrepreneurial opportunity for African creativity and ingenuity. Celebrating goods exclusively designed and manufactured throughout Africa, the gallery presents a constantly changing selection of high-quality, contemporary pieces for both corporate and personal shoppers. Ingénuité exists to find and display the most unique and desirable products, whether it is a brightly coloured wax print umbrella or hat or an exquisite new range of felt hats. Ingénuité at The Yard is based at Riversands Incubation Hub located near Fourways.

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