Faircity Hotels Welcomes Kievits Kroon to the Family


The well-known Kievits Kroon Country Estate and Spa, which is situated down the road from Faircity Roodevallei in Pretoria, is now part of the Faircity family.


As from 1 August 2017, Kievits Kroon has been taken over by the Faircity Hotel Group, which falls within the group’s growth and expansion plans for the future.

Negotiations to buy the property began at the end of 2014 and the sale was recently finalised. It will take a couple of months for the property transfer to be completed, so in addition to the purchase agreement, there is also a management agreement in place to ensure continuity for the transition period. The planning for a big re-launch has commenced to officially welcome Kievits Kroon into the Faircity family.

Faircity focuses on large business and conference hotels in the main business nodes of South Africa, with plans to expand into Africa. They look for hotels that are unique and have an established brand that could benefit from the strong Service by Design culture that permeates Faircity.

Kievits Kroon will strengthen Faircity’s footprint in Pretoria in terms of conferencing, events and functions. The country estate is a high-end four star property, which elevates the rest of the Faircity portfolio. Kievits Kroon has a very unique Gauteng Winelands feel, just as the group’s other properties, Quatermain, Falstaff, Mapungubwe and Roodevallei, are unique in their own way.

There are many plans being considered for Kievits Kroon, although the first priority will be to consolidate and ensure the service levels at the hotel become synonymous with the Faircity brand. Once stabilised Faircity will start introducing new things to the hotel’s offering. The existing staff will be retained as Faircity believes that their staff is one of the most important aspects of their business.


When asked about his plans for the property, Lukas van der Westhuizen, CEO of Faircity Hotel Group said, “The list of what we want to do is endless. We have big dreams and believe the property has a tremendous amount of potential. Just keep an eye on us and you will be amazed to see what is coming over the next few years”.


With a new hotel in the portfolio, Faircity has more to offer their loyal and new clients, enabling them to cater for the needs of the majority of the market. Due to this expansion, Faircity now operates seven hotels in Gauteng, and will continue to grow and expand its footprint in South Africa. Faircity has a diverse offering with unique hotels of high quality which will only grow from strength to strength.

Kievits Kroon and Roodevallei will benefit from economies of scale in the node, which will decrease costs, increase sales and also expand Faircity’s presence. With the two hotels in such close proximity, it is a major benefit to corporates, government and the like.

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