Fall in love with Rubber Duc's new single


Rubber Duc weren’t resting on their laurels during lockdown! Following hot on the heels of Talk About It, the track they produced in isolation and amid some challenging conditions shortly after the national lockdown regulations were announced in March, comes an exciting new single.


THE FALL, says lead singer Nick Jordaan, is about falling in love and risking it all. “It’s about the first time one develops the deepest of feelings for someone else, about giving everything to that person and seeing it through to the end. I guess it is the type of love story everyone dreams will come true.”


The single, which was written by Nick and recorded and produced by Brendan Campbell at Muse Studios, was inspired by a past love and the thought of what could have been. “I guess there is always someone in mind when a song is written,” admits Nick. “This song holds a special place in my heart because it is something I’ve experienced first-hand. It is an experience I hope others will have the opportunity to explore. And, of course, there is always a muse behind the madness.” 


The band believes that listeners will relate to the track, which features Nick’s soulful vocals with Rubber Duc’s characteristic sound, on one of two levels – either as a nostalgic flashback or an experience they can’t wait to have.


“I hope this song becomes something special for even just one person, then our job is done,” says the band’s frontman. “We have had so much feedback in the past from people where our music has helped them through difficulties or simply made their day. That is why we do this.”


While almost everything in the country has been on hold for the past five months – including Rubber Duc’s initial plans for this year – the band has continued working; remotely at first. “We are happy to finally be back in the studio producing music that we love and that our fans will hopefully enjoy. We have a lot planned for the remainder of the year and are excited for 2021!”


Rubber Duc, who burst onto the South African music scene in March 2014, consists of Nick Jordaan (frontman), Brendan Campbell (lead guitar), Amiel Gopal (bass), Kabelo Morake (saxophone) and Nicholas McCreadie on drums. The band released their debut album, The Secret Sunrise, in September 2016.


So, what would Rubber Duc like to achieve within the next year or so? Amiel Gopal concludes: “Our aim is for 2020 to be the year where we push our international agenda a lot harder. We would love a few more number ones, and to break into radio outside of SA. We have a lot more coming and can’t wait for what the journey has in store for us. We want to get touring ASAP, spread our wings, leave the nest and explore new territories, enjoying every single moment along the way.”


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