Free blood glucose testing this World Diabetes Day!
Free blood glucose testing this World Diabetes Day at Park Boulevard Centre!
Image Supplied by eThekwini Municipality
On November 14th, the world celebrates World Diabetes Day and along with creating awareness about the disease, it is also important to educate those with the disease, about managing their lifestyle after diagnosis.
According to the eThekwini Municipality website, Diabetes is a silent killer: “Every eight seconds a person dies of diabetes worldwide and in South Africa approximately 1 in 5 people over the age of 35 has type 2 diabetes. In KwaZulu-Natal alone 1.2 million people have diabetes and more than 50% cases still remain undiagnosed.”
“A large number of South African citizen are unaware of their Diabetes status and more needs to be done to encourage screening. This year we celebrate the theme of Women & Diabetes - “Our right to a healthy future”. Women need to be empowered through early diagnosis, self- management education and information so as to prevent deterioration if diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. Type 2 Diabetes is a metabolic disorder and is characterised by high blood glucose levels. However in the early stages there are no symptoms, so it is important to get yourself checked, especially if you are not physically active, indulge in a poor diet and are overweight,” says Mbali Mzimela (Pharmacist at Park Boulevard Pharmacy at Spar)
From Tuesday, 14th until Friday, 18th November 2017, Park Boulevard Centre Pharmacy at Spar located at 11 Brownsdrift Road, will be hosting free blood glucose screening and free blood pressure testing on Tuesday, 14th November outside the store from 9am to 3pm. Screening will then continue daily inside the Pharmacy from 15th to 18 November from 8am to 1pm and is available to all members of the public.