Guideline to watching a Pantomime

My interaction with a lot of "newbies" to theatre (especially a Pantomime) had me brainstorm a guideline in regards with what you can expect if it were your first time attending a Pantomime.
What is a Pantomime?
A Pantomime can be described as "a theatrical entertainment, mainly for children, which involves music, topical jokes and slapstick comedy and is based on a fairy tale or nursery story, usually produced around Christmas." *Google Definition
What is a Janice Honeyman Pantomime?
This can be described definitely as a "theatrical entertainment" but for both, young and old, as her political humour and sharp wit included in the script allows the adults to produce belly-laughs when they recognise the punchline meant for an older crowd, while children enjoy the slapstick comedy.
The fast-paced movement of the Pantomime is meant to perk up your energy and I'm unsure if this is for all pantomimes around the world, but this is what I've noticed for the few Janice Honeyman productions that I've witnessed.
So if you've read the reviews and decided to check out this year's Pantomime, this is what you can expect to see or do:
(If there is anything that I am missing out, please do let me know or if I have erred in some way, please correct me in a pleasant manner, as this is my own opinion and something I've come up with due to my experience)
Audience Participation
As far as I have seen, the Pantomime requires audience participation to maintain the electric energy that it produces. The actors will ask the audience questions and involve the audience with certain questions and answers.
Don't be a party pooper - answer them 😜
- So Cheer the good
- Boo the bad/ evil
- Clap when the songs are being sung
- Sing along, if you can
- Laugh at the jokes
- React to what is happening, like gasp when a secret is revealed or point out the direction of someone if asked
- and chime in when the "Oh yes, we have" "Oh no, we haven't" part begins
Be Enthusiastic
This reiterates the audience participation point. Going into the show, preparing yourself with enthusiasm will allow you to enjoy yourself. Your energy will be felt by the actors and actresses and this in turn, produces the outcome of your experience.
Remember - a (Janice Honeyman) Pantomime begins with a fast pace energy, so it's best to prepare yourself to not feel overwhelmed.
Current Affair Savvy
Be "clued up" on what is going on in South Africa and around the world - this way you can better understand the quick wit and political humour that is so skillfully added to the script
Get Ready
- Get ready for water being splashed on you - by now, I know not to be so uptight about having my hair done to perfection. Being a "Fun" production, the pantomime always has an amazing array of tricks to include the audience and one of them is making sure that we're splashed with water guns! :) Join in on the fun, or try and duck when they do spray, either way - something that the kids will enjoy, will happen!
- Get ready to Dance and Sing... Clap - they will sing songs that you know, so go on...
- Get ready to catch some sweets (or chocolates) - for one of the pantomimes, a chocolate bar fell from the stage and into my lap - now that was pure luck! Nowadays, as soon as I see a basket, I'm up from my seat waiting to catch the treat... for my child of course.
- Get ready to catch balloons. At the end of the show, I always look up and wait to see if there would be balloons falling "from the sky"... another one of my favourite treats at a pantomime (to get for my son)😁.
Have Fun
This is THE Most Important Guideline.
These feel good productions are performed towards the end of the year. We've all had a "year" so just go ahead and let their joyous nature engulf you as you kick back, relax and Have Fun!
Let loose and Enjoy your inner child and if you have children - embarrass them a little (I definitely did 😉)

Nabihah Plaatjes is the Co-Founder of
She is an Award-Winning Entrepreneur, Change Agent, Published Contributing Author, Journalist, Marketing and Social Media Specialist, a Bachelor of Arts graduate, and has been writing since the age of 9.
Nabihah is passionate about Brand Awareness and Brand Loyalty and uses her knowledge in these fields together with her copywriting, editing and proof-reading skills to bring brands to life. is a primary example of how she can build your brand.
Find her at: Instagram: @nabihah_dp / @ilovezacom Twitter: @nabihahd / @ilovezacom Facebook: LinkedIn: Nabihah Plaatjes / YouTube: SoundCloud: E-mail: