How to Keep your Pets Safe During Global Firework Celebrations



FOUR PAWS shares essential tips for pet owners ahead of Diwali and Guy Fawkes Day



As Diwali on 31 October and Guy Fawkes Day on 5 November approach, global animal welfare organisation FOUR PAWS is urging pet owners to prepare for the impact of fireworks on their animals. Firework displays during these festivities are often accompanied by reckless behaviour, with individuals disregarding restrictions, causing property damage, and terrorising communities and animals alike.


“The fear of fireworks is a widespread issue among pets and poses a serious animal welfare concern. When fireworks explode, many animals panic, attempting to escape from the terrifying lights and noises, sometimes taking days to recover,”

says Fiona Miles, Director of FOUR PAWS South Africa.


Fireworks are especially distressing for pets due to their heightened senses. Dogs’ hearing is up to four times more sensitive than humans, and cats are even more noise sensitive. The unpredictable flashes and explosive sounds of fireworks create confusion, with animals instinctively interpreting these stimuli as danger, prompting them to seek safety. The effect of fireworks on animals is comparable to the fear response triggered by thunderstorms, but with fireworks often occurring closer to the ground, the experience can be even more overwhelming. The acrid smells accompanying the display further exacerbate the stress experienced by pets.


In some cases, just one negative experience with fireworks is enough to instil a long-term fear response. Repeated exposure, particularly during periods of celebration such as Diwali, Guy Fawkes Day, or New Year’s Eve, can reinforce and intensify an animal’s adverse reactions over time. Research has shown that even young dogs are susceptible to developing noise phobias from fireworks.


FOUR PAWS offers the following preventative tips:

  • Socialise your pet: A well-socialised pet is better equipped to handle unfamiliar situations. Providing pets with positive experiences during their sensitive development phases (3-12 weeks for dogs, 2-7 weeks for cats) is key to reducing sensitivity to fireworks later in life.
  • Firework desensitization: Consider preparing your pet for firework season by playing recordings of fireworks at a low volume while offering rewards like treats and affection. Gradually increase the volume but monitor your pet closely and stop if any signs of stress are observed.
  • Create a safe space: Ensure your pet has a quiet, secure area where they can retreat during firework displays. Close windows and draw curtains to reduce noise and light exposure and provide comforting items like their favourite toys or blankets.


The fear of fireworks doesn’t only affect pets – it also impacts wild animals and livestock, causing immense stress, which in extreme cases can prove fatal. Many dogs run away in fear during firework displays, and some tragically suffer accidents as a result. Addressing these fears can help reduce the far-reaching consequences of anxiety, fears, and phobias. is an award-winning Digital Media, Marketing, and Advertising Company est. 2015, is a Member of the Independent Media Association of South Africa (IMASA), and Brand South Africa's Play Your Part Ambassadors, with a global reach of over 10 million

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