Meet Lulu – Business Owner and Mrs. S.A Contestant by Everyday-People Blog

Like most people I am always looking for ways to better myself, lose weight and be healthy. I’m not super fit but try to get in at least 3 workout sessions a week. On my road to getting fitter I came across Body20 studios, an innovative concept using Electro Muscle Stimulation to train your body and work muscles you did not even know existed. I was fortunate enough to choose the Centurion branch and had the pleasure of meeting the owner Luandi Weppenaar better known as Lulu.
I featured Lulu as her story is one that many women can relate to at some point in our lives.
Lulu is a small town girl who fell in love with the man of her dreams, got married and became a city girl, they are blessed with 2 beautiful children and runs her own business. It hasn’t been an easy road though and Lulu had to overcome her own battles to get to where she is today and shares her story with us.
Lulu opens up about how she used to be overweight for most of her life. Her words describing this period were strong “I really hated myself, to a point where I felt like I was a mistake. I despised the person staring back at me in the mirror. I had a very unhealthy lifestyle, drank way too much alcohol and did not take care of myself or others at all.”
With this, came many years of of self-hatred, low self-esteem, depression and rejection which really took a toll on her. Her breakthrough came through prayer and God, Lulu built up the will and determination to lose 34kgs through vigorous exercise and a healthy eating plan and in turn learned to love herself again. It wasn’t an easy road, there were lots of temptations, cravings for sugar and pain during this 5 year journey with lots of tears too. Lulu was strong willed and refused to lose weight through ‘magic pills’ and medication, she knew she had to keep fighting for what she wanted and refused to give up. It eventually paid off.
Having gone through all this, Lulu entered the Mrs. South Africa pageant earlier this year to give hope to the women that are going through the same struggles that she faced and to be a motivator to others. Although Lulu did not make it as a finalist, she spoke fondly of her experience and the friends made and even if she helped at least one person through that journey would have made it worthwhile.
Just as her fitness and weight goals were coming together another door opened and it felt like God was answering all her prayers at once, an amazing business opportunity at Body20 presented itself and it was exactly what she and her husband Kobus wanted. It was a business that Lulu could relate to and would help her to help others with their struggles when it comes to fitness and weight. Lulu also gets to spend her days and weekends with her husband at the business and although she sometimes feels guilty and would love to spend more time with the kids, Lulu knows the hours put into the business now will pay off and allow her family to lead a better life in future.
During our discussions, I could see that Lulu is extremely spiritual and is always thankful to God for the impact and presence in her life.
“I am blessed beyond measure and living proof that with God ANYTHING is possible and that he WILL make a way where there is no way. He will ALWAYS do what he promises and we will NEVER be alone”, says Lulu.
In closing we asked Lulu these quick fire questions:
Your goals for the future
“To be a motivational speaker one day and inspire others.”
Any motivating words?
“We are all created to be extraordinary – it is time that we learn to love taking care of ourselves and become the woman we were created to be.”
Your favourite celebrity
“I actually don’t follow any celebrities, however I do admire the way Karlien van Jaarsveldt has handled herself in the public and the way she glorifies God in what she does.”
I found speaking to Lulu really lifted my spirits, I love her tenacity to reach her goals, She is definitely a person with strong beliefs and with the power of her faith has many more amazing things coming her way.