Meet the woman leading impressive Health and Safety achievements at BIC South Africa



Meet the woman leading impressive Health and Safety achievements at BIC South Africa

BIC Health Safety Environmental Manager Nonhlanhla Khumalo stationery for the cause good news

 Image supplied by the publicist


There are many stories of women who have overcome challenges and succeeded. During Women’s Month, these stories resonate even more deeply, reminding us of the strength and resilience women bring to the table. There's a unique magic in the stories of women who've turned their lives around, flipping the script in ways that inspire and empower other women to rise.


Meet BIC’s Health, Safety and Environmental Manager, Nonhlanhla Khumalo.


When Nonhlanhla first arrived at the BIC offices in August 2022, she committed to institute a culture of safety in her role as manager. In less than half a year, she surpassed expectations.


BIC in South Africa won a gold medal and was named Safe Plant of the Year for two years in a row (2022 and 2023). Under her leadership, BIC in South Africa has lost zero time to injuries since 2022. But her contributions don’t stop at awards and accolades.


Surprisingly, Nonhlanhla's passion for health and safety didn't originate in a corporate boardroom. It was rooted in her early life experiences.


"I grew up in a small area just outside Pietermaritzburg in KwaZulu-Natal. My mother worked as a domestic worker and my father drove taxis,"

says Nonhlanhla.


"We didn't have much and going to university seemed like a dream. I remember listening to our radio - I would tune into Ukhozi FM. Motivational speakers like Sbu Buthelezi would talk about education and believing in yourself and the importance of looking beyond your current circumstances to what you are capable of."


Nonhlanhla was motivated by those words, and she put all her efforts in her studies. Her hard work paid off when she won a scholarship during her third year of studies and Nonhlanhla graduated with an Environmental Health degree. She subsequently completed additional qualifications in quality management, project management as well as logistics and operations management.


Her first stint in the corporate world was a local government position, where she was recognised for her role in achieving Blue Drop status.


She then moved into a hospital setting, gaining invaluable experience within a highly regulated environment before spending time in research and development, which involved testing vehicles from around the world.


Prior to coming onboard at BIC, Nonhlanhla had been employed in chemical manufacturing as well as oil and gas sectors, which are notorious for their stringent safety protocols and high-risk environments.


"In my role as the Manager for Health, Safety and Environment at BIC, I am grateful to be part of a company that places such a high value on safety. BIC is an organisation that truly values its people, and that support is evident from management's buy-in to our safety initiatives,"

she explains.


"BIC implemented an innovative near-miss reporting system that employed QR codes, which ensures that anyone at BIC - from security guards to contractors - can easily flag potential hazards. This has enabled every voice to be heard in pursuit of a safer work environment. The company's 2022 theme, Safety Starts with Me, urged employees to take personal responsibility for their own safety as well as that of their colleagues. And because safety doesn't end at the workplace but extends to our families, the following year saw the introduction of the theme You Come to Work Safe, You Work Safe, and You Go Back to Your Loved Ones Safe. The backing of leadership has been instrumental in achieving the company's safety milestones and it is a great source of pride that our plant right here in South Africa was acknowledged among 24 BIC manufacturing facilities worldwide. I am very grateful for it as we strive towards greater heights".


Nonhlanhla is passionate about mentoring the next generation of women at BIC.


She observes that many of the factory's female employees are second-generation workers who have followed in their mothers' footsteps.


"I want to help women see beyond where they are now,"

she says.

"There's a whole world of opportunities in logistics, marketing, and elsewhere that they may not have considered."


Outside work, Nonhlanhla is a devoted wife and mother. She says hiking helps her connect with nature and refocus her mind while participating in Park Runs on weekends grounds her for the week ahead. She also enjoys chatting with life coaches and taking her seven-year-old son to swimming, which she unsurprisingly regards as an important safety and life skill.


It's not only Nonhlanhla’s immediate family that has benefited from her keen awareness of the importance of connecting with people at the deepest level; she also has deep roots within her community. She frequently donates stationery for schools and distributes food parcels for those in need. is an award-winning Digital Media, Marketing, and Advertising Company est. 2015, is a Member of the Independent Media Association of South Africa (IMASA), and Brand South Africa's Play Your Part Ambassadors, with a global reach of over 10 million

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2021 Mail & Guardian Top 200 Young South Africans: Arts, Entertainment, Film & Media 

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