Slipper Day 2018

"We believe in the power of dreams; we encourage children to use their dreams to fight life-threatening illnesses and we try, as far as possible, to make these dreams come true. Our vision is to grow the Foundation to enable us to continue giving hope to children fighting life-threatening illnesses through the fulfillment of their dreams and making our national projects available to as many of the children as we can..."
Today, Wednesday 28 March 2018, was the launch of the Slipper Day 2018 Campaign where the organisers, sponsors, brand ambassadors as well as the media, gathered at Protea Hotel Fire & Ice in Melrose Arch.
After enjoying a lovely spread for breakfast and admiring each one's cute complimentary slippers, we were ushered into the conference room where the MC, Aki Anastasiou, led the event.
Thereafter Mervyn Serebro, the Chairman of Reach for a Dream, and Jonathan Boynton-Lee, Reach for a Dream Brand Ambassador, relayed heartfelt stories about those who have lost the battle with their illnesses at a young age, and we as the audience, could not hold back our tears.
For 30 years, the Reach for a Dream Foundation has touched many lives and has given children with life-threatening illnesses, the ability to dream as well as, in most cases, to achieve their dreams.
"By fulfilling their dreams, Reach for a Dream brings hope, joy and inspiration, by offering a magical moment to regain a childhood lost to illness." Julia Sotirianakos, CEO Reach for a Dream
With The Slipper Day Campaign, Reach for a Dream has offered a fun and simple way for everyone to support the Reach For a Dream Foundation, which in turn helps many children who have been diagnosed with life-threatening illnesses.
All we need to do, is purchase a R10 wristband and wear our most comfortable slippers out in public.
Wristbands can be purchased from Pick n Pay, Wimpy or any Reach For A Dream branch.
Wimpy has also offered to give a free coffee on Friday the 11th of May 2018 (Official #SlipperDay2018) to those who are wearing their wristbands and slippers.