Tech Review: Samsung Galaxy JHB Studio

Samsung Galaxy Studio JHB is a pop up exhibit of the latest gadgets from Samsung mobile at Nelson Mandela Square.
To be honest the only reason I went in was to get a balloon for my son. I'm not a huge fan of Samsung; I have had them in the past and have used the later editions but I much prefer my Apple products.
This exhibit however, changed my perspective on Samsung and their mobile devices. The studio had little designated areas to showcase different features of the Samsung Galaxy S7/ Edge as well as the latest accessories compatible with them.
It was an interactive session as you were given a card and for each presentation that you attended, you would receive a little sticker. The sticker collection was to gain entrance in to the Virtual Reality display at the entrance/exit of the exhibition.
Each stand had a representative that would give about a 2 minute talk on either the feature or accessory that they had on display. Most people were just there to collect stickers but I stayed longer to ask some questions at each stand.
I was quite impressed as each specialist was trained and could answer all my questions. In fact the guy who did the presentation on the Galaxy 360 camera, made me want to buy one. The camera which offers, two cameras on either side of a typical webcam looking device, allowing users to take videos or pictures of an entire area (360 degrees). The videos can be uploaded to services like YouTube where users who have the Galaxy VR can view the video in 4D as if they were there.
The Gear S2, also on display, had an impressive rotating wheel on the face of the watch that allowed you to move to apps on the watch with ease.
Features on display included the apps that could be downloaded on the Samsung S7 / Edge to link up your health status to medical aids like Discovery Health. The camera's auto focus and water resistance features were also on display.
When we finally arrived at the VR 4D Theatre I was quite excited. As I had seen all the amazing features that the Samsung had on offer and watched a few people before us really enjoy the experience in the theatre.
Maybe I expected too much but I wasn't entirely impressed by the video that we watched. Set in one of the Six Flags amusement parks in America, we were taken on a VR ride in a rollercoaster. The graphics were amazing and it did make you feel as if you were there as you could look around and see your surroundings. However on the rollercoaster, I didn't feel the adrenaline rushing as it took off or did a twist, my feet were not dangling in the air with wind gushing in my face, or the sound of excitement of other people on the rides below us!
It is no doubt, a great way for one to experience a place without leaving the comfort of their homes but one loses the human and nature elements. I went along with the motions, so as not to be a 'hater'.
My overall experience of the Samsung Galaxy Studio JHB was great and I would recommend families to visit it before the end on 30 April 2016.