Tinkies, much loved by tweens, launches Half & Half with an exciting campaign

Tweens. “They’re a generation of digital natives who have never known a world without the Internet or social media.” This is how Aaron Paquette writing in the The Marketing Insider October 2018, describes them.
“Tweens want to be anything but the age they are and are always looking toward the future. They are ambitious, opinionated, influential and they know more about technology than their parents ever will.”
(Tinkies’ own research)
“Think of categories beyond fashion and beauty,”
says Paquette.
“These are the most natural fits, but tweens still need to eat breakfast cereal, shop for school supplies, and use mobile devices to post new content."
“All these categories are logical for tween influencer campaigns. If it’s a category where kids, tweens and teens have purchasing power, it’s a category that can be represented by a tween tastemaker.”
But never has there been a ‘tastemaker’ quite like new Tinkies Half & Half bringing new tastes and flavour explosions to the single serve snack market.
“New Tinkies Half & Half is a mega mash-up, combining taste favourites to create flavour combinations in a whole new offering,”
says Michaela Murning, Tiger Brands Marketing Director.
“A mash up is a term borrowed from the music industry and describes a blend of two or more songs, combining vocals with instrumentals to get a whole new song.”
Tinkies Half & Half is available in two ‘mash up’ flavour combinations: chocolate/vanilla and strawberry/vanilla and shoppers will see the launch campaign with sampling in supermarkets from May 2019.
Staying close to the mash-up origins, the launch will be supported by an exciting marketing campaign. In store and on social media over the next two months, competitions will run with prizes including JBL headsets and Nintendo Switches. These products have been selected as prizes as they mirror the mash-up theme also making one new product out of two existing ones.
Other instore prizes include data, airtime and Tinkies vouchers.
“Tinkies has been an anytime treat for years even appearing in lunchboxes and desserts,”
says Murning.
“The launch of Half&Half just reinforces the Tinkies brand strength with Half&Half showing versatility, striking the right note with tweens who have mega influencing power and want things to be more exciting to keep their interest.”
Tinkies will be available from R6.99 each and R39,99 for a pack of six.
CLICK HERE for more on Tinkies
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