We are Real South Africans - Intro


We are Real South Africans trying to make a Real Difference

Today, 25 June 2016 marks the one year anniversary since we've launched our website.

But who is iloveza.com ? That's the question many people have been asking.

Are we a large organisation, are we funded by the government, are we robots ?

Haha! No, we are none of the above. The "robots" questions is because we try and interact as much as we can with our followers and customers on social media. We like our fans' pictures, comment on them and try our best to follow all of them back where we can (until we hit a limit). We monitor all our accounts and website traffic personally, but more of that to come.

We want South Africans and our international followers and customers to know a bit more about us, who we are, what are our qualifications and experience, why we started the business and where do we see the business heading in the coming years. We thought it would be a good time to start the journey of our story today, on our first birthday.

We will be revealing more about us, so keep a look out for our next article on who iloveza.com really is.



iloveza.com is an award-winning Digital Media, Marketing, and Advertising Company est. 2015, is a Member of the Independent Media Association of South Africa (IMASA), and Brand South Africa's Play Your Part Ambassadors, with a global reach of over 10 million

E-mail howzit@iloveza.com to take your brand/business to the next level

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iloveza.com Accolades:

2021 Winner of Brand South Africa's Nation Pride Play Your Part Award

2018 Winner of Tech Savvy Boss Award at the Roshgold Young Business Achiever Award

Nabihah Plaatjes Accolades:

2023 CEO of the Independent Media Association of South Africa (IMASA)

2018 Contributing Author to SAFFRON: A Collection of Personal Narratives

2017 Recipient of Owami Women & Brand South Africa's Play Your Part Award

Ziyaad Plaatjes Accolades:

2021 Mail & Guardian Top 200 Young South Africans: Arts, Entertainment, Film & Media 

2020 Contributing Author to There's a Story in Everyone

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