Action-packed entertainment programme announced for 2024 Ignition Group Polocrosse World Cup

Action-packed entertainment programme announced for 2024 Ignition Group Polocrosse World Cup
KwaZulu-Natal’s Durban Shongweni Club will once again play host to the Ignition Group Polocrosse World Cup from 17 to 28 July 2024, with South Africa joining 7 other top world-ranked sides in competing for the cup. The fast-paced action will captivate spectators, with live entertainment and music, food and beverage vendors, and pop-ups keeping the whole family entertained.
“As two-time winners of the Polocrosse World Cup, South Africa is expected to put on a spectacular display as they take on the best players from around the globe,”
notes Dr Manfred Rohwer, President of The Polocrosse Association of South Africa - proud hosts of the event.
“But there is more than just equestrian action that makes this such a popular contest. There is also a full programme of events and activities planned for visitors, with the spectacular KZN winter weather setting the ideal backdrop for a fun day out.”
Ignition Group PWC Entertainment Programme
There is a full programme of events planned for visitors to this year’s Ignition Group Polocrosse World Cup including daily on-field entertainment such as:
- Gumboot dancers
- Choirs
- School marimba bands
Renowned comedy duo Aaron McIlroy and Lisa Bobbert will be performing a side-splitting set with a line-up of musical performances planned. These include Durban’s live loop artist Tanner Wareham, SAMA Award-winning Qadasi & Maqhinga from Zululand, electronic music and live instrumentation by Veranda Panda, and the unforgettable sound of The Kickstands.
Audiences can also look forward to live performances by Golden Super Hawks, Gwyn Viljoen & Hayden Rattray, Steve Umculo, Carol Souki, Black Whiskey, as well as Rob Warren & The Lepels with East Coast Radio broadcasting live on certain days. There will also be food and beverage vendors selling an array of delicious eats, and pop-ups selling locally made, handcrafted goods.
Tim Lombard, Chief Marketing Officer of Ignition Group – title sponsor of this year’s event, said their support for the 2024 Ignition Group Polocrosse World Cup is more than just sponsorship:
“It’s a way of showcasing our province and communities to a global audience. We’re incredibly proud of this beautiful province of KwaZulu-Natal and the limitless possibilities that it offers for the development and growth of people and the economy."
“By attracting interest in the region through events such as this and the tourism spin-off they support, we are able to demonstrate our competency as an international host and partner, as well as contribute to the sustainable growth and well-being of the KZN province.”
While the Ignition Group operates globally, we are proudly KZN-based and our commitment to the development of people, technology and the economy remains at the heart of everything we do.
The 2024 Ignition Group Polocrosse World Cup format
For those who are new to the sport, polocrosse is an exciting mixture of polo and lacrosse played on horseback, with each team consisting of eight players - four men and four ladies. The 8 international teams are divided into Pool A and Pool B according to current world rankings with each pool competing in a round-robin format for the first rounds, with six games per pool. Thereafter, the top two teams from each group will compete in the semi-finals. The finals are always an incredible spectacle, featuring world-class Polocrosse and quality sportsmanship between the two remaining sides.
Pool A: Australia (1), Zambia (4), England (5), USA (8)
Pool B: South Africa (2), New Zealand (3), Ireland (6), Zimbabwe (7)
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