Cold Brew at home

To Learn the difference between Cold Brew and Iced Coffee,
and How they brew it, CLICK HERE
Photo credits to Nabihah Plaatjes
Beverage Recipe for Cold Brew
What you’ll need
• 1 large sterilised jar, container or French Press
• 250g of course ground coffee (Starbucks Kenya/ Colombia/ combination)
• 1 litre fresh, filtered, room temperature water
• Add ground coffee into brewing vessel.
• Slowly pour water over coffee grounds, ensuring all coffee is saturated .
• Seal with a lid and allow to steep at room temperature for 12 -20 hours (longer steep =
stronger brew).
• After 12 – 24 hours steep time, using a cloth, strain the brew into a clean and sterilised storage
container, such as a bottle or jug with a lid, to separate coffee grounds from Cold Brew
• If using a French Press, simply push down on the strainer and pour out into a storage container.
• Discard coffee grounds in garden as a natural fertiliser and insect repellent; and store cold
brew concentrate in the fridge for up to 5 days.
To drink, combine:
• 1 part Cold Brew concentrate to 2 parts cold filtered water, or milk, topped with ice.
• For a creamy but non-dairy options, it’s recommended to use Almond or Oat milk.
• Flavour to preference using Vanilla or Caramel syrup.
Cold Brew at Home
This recipe has been created by Rand Capital Coffee t/a Starbucks South Africa and is intended for home use only
(Adjust volumes as necessary based on size of brewing vessel, maintaining a 1:4 ratio of coffee to water)
(No grinder? Ask your local Starbucks barista to grind your coffee coarse for Cold Brew for you)