Foodie Review: Synn Free Cheesecakes

"It's like fairies walking on your tongue."
Breeze from Calistos
A decadent dessert that pleases your taste-buds, is definitely the cheesecakes from Synn Free.
The mouthwatering, melt-in-your-mouth texture of the granadilla cheesecake was the first of the three flavours that I tried. The presentation was excellent, and looked too perfect to eat. The rich colours of the light brown, thick biscuit base, contrasted by the ivory colour of the soft cream cheese centre, topped with the bright yellow granadilla layer was a treat for the eyes. The exotic component of the passion-fruit added to the sensory pleasure of the cheesecake as I could hear the crunch in my mouth of the little black seeds.
Image taken by Ziyaad Plaatjes
Slightly different to what I am used to in a cheesecake, the different layers gave it this unique appeal. The distinct thick base was common throughout all the variants and was what kept the structure of the cake together.
Sajida Rasool, the mastermind behind these cakes, explained what sets her apart from other similar businesses:
It took me 1 year to perfect my product with the assistance of Chipkins to keep them authentically home-made without preservatives and to provide restaurant appeal and quality. My moulds are imported, thereby giving it unique designs and shapes as opposed to the norm. My product is certified Halaal by SANHA and is provided fresh as well as comes with customer satisfaction guarantee and a guaranteed fridge life, provided storage instructions have been adhered to.
The raspberry flavoured cheesecake followed a similar style to the granadilla flavour with exception to the taste. The raspberry, like the granadilla flavour had a potent, fruity smell and taste. Traditionally one of my favourite cheesecakes, I was impressed how Sajida raised the bar on what was thought to be a simple cheesecake. The passion for perfection in the cheesecakes was evident in the end result.
Image taken by Ziyaad Plaatjes
"I can see the love and care that goes in the cheesecakes" - Jorge Calisto
Sajida began making cheesecakes on a business level about 3 years ago, however the idea and concept began approximately 10 years ago and only after surviving cancer she decided to follow her passion in baking.
I specialised in fridge cheesecakes, in an attempt to leave the corporate world and live my passion. I am in my element when I experiment in the kitchen. The positive feedback I always received about my cheesecakes from friends and family drove me to take it to a business level.
The last of the trio of cheesecakes to try, was the Oreo/ Cookies and Cream. The biscuit base was also thick and a bit harder than the other two but rightfully so, as the centre of the cheesecake was much softer than the fruit flavours. I expected a more overpowering taste of oreo, probably because of the rich raspberry and granadilla taste. My guess is that the change in style and formula of this cake compared to the others might have caused the distinct Oreo taste that I was looking for, to be lost. The cake still stayed true to itself with a non-sticky, palate-pleasing cookies and cream filling. The combination of the flavours of the different layers infused with the mini-oreo topping, gave the finishing touches to a delightful experience.
Image taken by Ziyaad Plaatjes
Sajida's vision for the business is to open a Cheesecake Factory, to create employment for entrepreneurs and create opportunity for woman with a desire to be self empowered. I definitely think that with her drive, dedication and her outstanding products she will be able to achieve this.
The cheesecakes are supplied to various bakeries, restaurants, coffee shops and caterers in and around Johannesburg.
For more information on how to order your cheesecakes, or any of her other products like cakes and biscuits;
Contact Sajida on: 0833874645, Email: or Follow her on Instagram: @synnfree
Image courtesy of Synnfree
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![]() Nabihah Plaatjes is the Co-Founder of She is an Award-Winning Entrepreneur, Change Agent, Published Contributing Author, Journalist, Marketing and Social Media Specialist, a Bachelor of Arts graduate, and has been writing since the age of 9. Nabihah is passionate about Brand Awareness and Brand Loyalty and uses her knowledge in these fields together with her copywriting, editing and proof-reading skills to bring brands to life. is a primary example of how she can build your brand. Find her at: Instagram: @nabihah_dp / @ilovezacom Twitter: @nabihahd / @ilovezacom Facebook: LinkedIn: Nabihah Plaatjes / YouTube: SoundCloud: E-mail: