The Baby Exchange


The Baby Exchange was setup to assist parents who are looking to buy or sell baby furniture, strollers, car seats, and anything really that their child will need or does not need anymore.

The Baby Exchange has four categories:

Sell, Buy, Rent, and Donate


If you have a product that you would to sell, either for cash (sell outright) or to generate a monthly income (rent it out on a monthly basis), simply e-mail for more information or fill out the contact form.


Choose from a wide selection of pre-owned goods, purchase it through our website from any of our safe and secure payment options. Have it delivered to your door or you can collect it from the seller. 


If purchasing a product is not within your budget, why not rent it for 6 or 12 months. Easy payment options through our website and delivery to your door.


If you not looking to sell or purchase any products but have products that you would like to donate, simply e-mail or fill in the contact form and we will do the rest. We will distribute your products to people that are in desperate need for them but cannot afford them.
 is an award-winning Digital Media, Marketing, and Advertising Company est. 2015, is a Member of the Independent Media Association of South Africa (IMASA), and Brand South Africa's Play Your Part Ambassadors, with a global reach of over 10 million

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 #iloveza❤️🇿🇦 #AfterFajrGrind Accolades:

2021 Winner of Brand South Africa's Nation Pride Play Your Part Award

2018 Winner of Tech Savvy Boss Award at the Roshgold Young Business Achiever Award

Nabihah Plaatjes Accolades:

2023 CEO of the Independent Media Association of South Africa (IMASA)

2018 Contributing Author to SAFFRON: A Collection of Personal Narratives

2017 Recipient of Owami Women & Brand South Africa's Play Your Part Award

Ziyaad Plaatjes Accolades:

2021 Mail & Guardian Top 200 Young South Africans: Arts, Entertainment, Film & Media 

2020 Contributing Author to There's a Story in Everyone