#2008vs2018 Ten Year Challenge


Jumping on the bandwagon of the #2008vs2018 posts.



The black and white pic was taken by a photographer at an event that I attended in 2008.

If my memory serves correct and without going too into it:
It was the re-launch of the House of Farah Diba (fashion design) that opened in Florida Road and I was there to cover the event for Eish! Magazine, a magazine that I was writing for at that time in Durban, KZN.

In October that year (2008) I moved to Johannesburg and encountered a series of unfortunate, physically and emotionally scarring events that had my usual cautious but sometimes carefree self, more paranoid than ever.

I have been staying in Johannesburg ever since and even though during this decade right up until now, life has been extremely painful, difficult and trying, I've been here. Alhamdulillah (All praise to the Almighty)

I should add that in September 2009, I got married, so that will make it 10 years - if we make it to 26 September this year (2019) In Shaa Allah (God Willing)

I should add a lot more things, but maybe not now.

For now, I can't believe that after all these years (10 years) going through difficulties and different job paths, I'm actually doing what I was doing in 2008 Alhamdulillah (All praise is due to the Almighty), 
but now I'm doing this for my own 
(well Our own - my husband and my) 
Media Company - iloveza.com 
- we're not completely where we want to be with our business (and in life), but hopefully it's still growing In Shaa Allah (God Willing) and we would really appreciate any support 🙏😊

2008 - 23
2018 - 33

Pic 2 taken by Ziyaad Plaatjes - Premier of Creed ll

In Ten years: I've gained a lot, not just weight, although I've really gained a lot of weight 😐, but I've also gained a lot of experience - the good and the bad. I've also gained a child 😄 Alhamdulillah (All praise due to the Almighty)

On another note... today's date is exactly 1 Month until I turn 34! (14 February)
God Willing


Nabihah Plaatjes is the Co-Founder of iloveza.com.

She is an Award-Winning Entrepreneur, Change Agent, Published Contributing Author, Journalist, Marketing and Social Media Specialist, a Bachelor of Arts graduate, and has been writing since the age of 9.

Nabihah is passionate about Brand Awareness and Brand Loyalty and uses her knowledge in these fields together with her copywriting, editing and proof-reading skills to bring brands to life.

iloveza.com is a primary example of how she can build your brand.

Find her at: Instagram: @nabihah_dp / @ilovezacom Twitter: @nabihahd / @ilovezacom Facebook: iloveza.com  LinkedIn: Nabihah Plaatjes / iloveza.com YouTube: iloveza.com SoundCloud: iloveza.com E-mail: nabihah@iloveza.com



iloveza.com is an award-winning Digital Media, Marketing, and Advertising Company est. 2015, is a Member of the Independent Media Association of South Africa (IMASA), and Brand South Africa's Play Your Part Ambassadors, with a global reach of over 10 million

E-mail howzit@iloveza.com to take your brand/business to the next level

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iloveza.com Accolades:

2021 Winner of Brand South Africa's Nation Pride Play Your Part Award

2018 Winner of Tech Savvy Boss Award at the Roshgold Young Business Achiever Award

Nabihah Plaatjes Accolades:

2023 CEO of the Independent Media Association of South Africa (IMASA)

2018 Contributing Author to SAFFRON: A Collection of Personal Narratives

2017 Recipient of Owami Women & Brand South Africa's Play Your Part Award

Ziyaad Plaatjes Accolades:

2021 Mail & Guardian Top 200 Young South Africans: Arts, Entertainment, Film & Media 

2020 Contributing Author to There's a Story in Everyone

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