First Stagger-Through of Pinocchio SA Pantomime
“Life is a theatre set in which there are but a few practicable entrances.”
― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables
What an amazing experience it is, to be behind the scenes of a production!
#PinocchioSA is this year's Pantomime that will be performed at the Joburg Theatre from 12 November until 30 December 2017.
Rehearsals have begun from the 10th of October, with today (21 October) being a "stagger-through" available for a few of us to view.
A stagger-through involves going through the entire production with the cast and crew but allows for changes to be made as well as scenes or dialogues to be edited as they go along.
It is an absolute delight seeing, not only the talent and the dedication it takes to bring you the performance that you see on stage - but also to view the process involved in making the entire production as a whole, come alive.
To be able to watch as the cast display all that they have learnt and remembered about the characters that they play.
To see as the director watches on and informs them as they go along.
To actually see the composer chop and change musical notes and the choreographer advising them on their stances and dances.
To see the stage crew, complete with their props, running around making sure that each item is where it needs to be.
And most importantly, all of these coming together to make it a performance that you, the audience, will enjoy.