Now isn't this common sense?
We come across different types of people in our everyday lives and more so now on the internet on the different platforms. People who tend to be quite judgemental especially on some matters that they call "common sense."
"Clearly, they should have known not to do this..."
"It seems quite obvious that this should go there and blah blah..."
But what if I told you that your "common sense" is not theirs? And that they are not stupid, rude or ill-mannered. Mind-blowing right?
Think about it.
If you've grown up not having a microwave for your entire life, when you come across one, even if it's at the tender age of 18, you wouldn't know not to put metal, steel or plastic inside!
Although some of you might scoff at this fact, this is the reality for some people.
(There are a few more examples that I could list - perhaps if you're feeling like you want to interact with me, you're welcome to send them through 😊)
We do not live the same lives, nor are we raised in the same manner as the next person.
So what seems to be "common sense" to you, is not really "common knowledge."
Our upbringing, education, culture, society and domestic life plays a big role in shaping our thoughts and this in turn creates what people like to call "common knowledge". But those who were not raised in the same environment, or for example, raised with an absent parent, hinders certain people's knowledge or "sense". This means that they cannot have the same "sense" that you have and therefore it is Not Common!
The only way we can deal with this is to educate and not belittle.
To be tolerant and understanding. ALWAYS.
This is a constant process, a constant thought in us to realise that maybe this person doesn't know what you think we all should know because they have not learnt it and to constantly educate (in a gentle manner) instead of judging and belittling.
Understand that you were raised differently and that Does Not make you better than anyone else because what you don't know, others do and there are others out there who know more than you.
(That sounds almost a bit like Dr. Seuss, haha)
There will always be something that you don't know. All of you.
Even you who thinks you know it all - you don't. Perhaps you don't know that you're being pompous?
Okay I'm digressing... a bit of emotion slipped out.
Basically, if this message of tolerance, understanding and gentle educating can go out to all of you around the world, perhaps this world would be slightly live-able?
Perhaps there would be open-minded people out there who would try to better themselves instead of criticising or ridiculing others.
Imagine if each one of us had this thought in our mind that we can be better and do better and learn from one another (and notice I said - Learn, not Copy nor imitate). Just imagine?
Imagine if you educated someone in a gentle manner on certain topics and they listened to you with an open mind and open heart.
Imagine if someone told you in a polite manner something about you and instead of being a grumpy little shit, you realise that you do need to care about the way you come across, to be a better person, to anticipate better things in this world and to ultimately work on a better tomorrow.
Now won't common sense tell you that all of this is necessary?
- Nabihah Plaatjes
Please note that the VIEWS and THOUGHTS written on my personal blog, unEDited, do not necessarily reflect those of - this applies to other contributors to our website as well :)