Cooking - Rocket Science or Not

Cooking for me has always been a passion. I wouldn't say I'm a great cook but I make some decent meals, or so my family says. I'm no chef but I believe if you've been doing something over a long period of time it should become second nature to you (even if you are doing it wrong).
What sparked this blog, was a recent conversation with my sister, which in summary was about the way I cook. For years I have not opened a recipe book when I cook, unless it was to bake a cake or make something specific that I have never made before. I've been cooking ever since my mother passed away 13 years ago and I can say I've done a fair amount of cooking in those years. Yes when I first started cooking I used the recipe book all the time but now I kind of know what spices go in each dish. Don't get me wrong recipe books are a great guideline to assist in cooking a meal but if your wife says you cook better than her (which is hard to believe because I still feel she is the best cook) and your twenty two month old son licks his fingers and says "yummy" everytime you cook, I'm sure you've accomplished what you set out to do.
I guess experimenting is what I love the most, trying out new ways of cooking, adding different spices to see how the flavours change. That's just my nature and everything I do is an experiment, I prefer trying to do something on my own, learning how to do it for future reference than calling "the guy". Things must be pretty serious for me to "call the guy".
I'm sure the first chef or even cook did not have a recipe book and they managed. When was the last time you did something for the first time? The next meal you cook, I challenge you to have the recipe book closed and make a meal from your heart. The spices might not be a hundred percent right or as well calculated as the recipe book has it but I can guarantee you, your guests will taste the love that you put into the meal.