Baked masala eggplant stuffed with coriander, coconut and mint chutney topped with a dollop of yoghurt and fried chillies for dinner yesterday 😍 This is one of my favourite ways to prepare it! How do you prefer to enjoy this fleshy veg?

Masala Eggplant with Green Chutney Recipe credit: @aniseeds Picture credit: @aniseeds
Green chutney 1:
1 bunch dhania 1 small bunch mint 1 tbslp coconut Green chillies to taste Salt to taste 3 tblsps sugar 500g roasted peanuts Blend all together by adding vinegar until you reach consistency wanted
Green chutney 2:
Recipe credit: Unknown 3 bunches dhania 1 ball garlic 1 tblsp green chillies 2 tblsp whole jeeru - ground 2 tblsp peppercorns - ground 1/2 cup vinegar 1/2 cup lemon juice Liquidise above Add: 2 tblsp coconut 2 tblsp ground almonds 1 tsp salt (or to taste)
Masala eggplant:
Slice eggplant into even slices In a bowl, mix: Red chilli powder Turmeric Cumin powder Coriander powder Flour (almond flour for the lowcarbers or can omit altogether) Salt
Dip each slice of eggplant into the flour mixture to coat well. Prepare an oven tray with oil Create stacks by sandwiching eggplant slices between layers of green chutney
Optional: Crumble paneer or feta cheese over the chutney layers Oil the top slice of eggplant slightly Bake on 180 till done (be careful not to burn). The skin of the eggplant will be crispy but the flesh will be soft and delicious. Once done, top with yoghurt, crushed red chillies and fried green chillies (prepared in the airfryer) and dhania.
Note: you may use any green chutney you prefer