6 awesome healthy breakfast ideas that will save you time!

6 awesome healthy breakfast ideas that will save you time! by Xoey Khumalo
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It breaks our overnight fast and gets our metabolism running again. Failing to eat breakfast can lead to us feeling lethargic, a slow metabolism, weight gain and general unhealthy eating habits.
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This is a proven science. Yet many of us still leave the house without making sure that our tummies are happy. Recently, I’ve been making the conscious decision of eating breakfast at least within 2 hours of me waking up.
My primary passion is skin care, but I believe in nurturing the body holistically. I mean, at the end of the day, the body is a system that runs on fuel i.e food. If you feed it low quality fuel it will not give you it’s optimum performance
The biggest problem when it comes to eating breakfast (or not eating breakfast) is that we don’t give ourselves enough time. Most of us are always in a rush in the morning and convince ourselves “we will get something on the way”. Although that’s fine, I think when the time comes, we usually end up getting ourselves convenient foods which don’t add any nutritional value into our system.
So, I decided to add some of my favorite breakfast ideas into my blog to help you. I hope that you find them useful and convenient for you and your family!
This is funny for me because I’m not a fan of eggs or avos! But this is a seriously easy breakfast that is ready in about 5 mins. This is healthy, rich in energy, antioxidants as well as protein!
All you need Is:
- 2 eggs
- two slices of bread
- one ripe avocado
Prepare the eggs until the white has hardened. If I’m boiling, I boil mine for 10 mins, but boil for less if you want a runny yolk. While your eggs are boiling, if you want your bread toasted, toast it. Or you can simply cut up your avocado and use it as a spread. When your eggs are ready, slice them and place them on your avocado bread!
Image supplied by Xoey Khumalo
I am starting to think I am a picky eater, indeed. This one is for those with a sweet tooth, but it’s good and healthy! I substitute the peanut with almond or macadamia nut butter as they aren’t so sweet. I also use bananas that aren’t so ripe just to limit the sweetness. Bananas are a rich source of potassium which is great for your health. Potassium improves your metabolism, stress levels as well as water balance.
You will need:
- one banana
- 2 tablespoons of nut butter
- two slices of toast
toast your bread and spread the nut butter while it’s warm. The butter will melt and it gives it a great texture. Slice your bananas and add them onto your bread. Sprinkle some chia seeds (optional).
Image Supplied by Xoey Khumalo
I got this idea of an Instagram DIY video. It looks lovely and appetizing to eat and very simple. Basically, this is like making an omelet. But, instead of making it in a frying pan, you’re making it in a muffin tray, in the oven. The result should be fluffy and airy but DELICIOUS!
you will need:
- your favorite veggies (bell peppers , broccoli, onions and tomato are mine)
- herbs (turmeric, fresh basil and parsley are mine)
- 2+ eggs (highly depends on how many people eat)
- Chopped bacon *halaal substitute macon*
Preheat your overn to 180 degrees Celsius. All you have to do, now, is crack your eggs into a bowl and mix them up. You can add salt and pepper at this stage. Chuck in all your ingredients and mix until it’s all incorporated. Line the baking tray with cooking spray or lightly grease with olive oil. Scoop your delicious muffin mix into the tray and bake for 15 mins!
TIP: if you’re going to be making this on a busy morning, chop all your ingredients the night before and store them in your fridge.
Image supplied by Xoey Khumalo
lately, granola has been my obsession. I prefer it to muesli, simply because it’s not that difficult to chew. AND it’s so customizable! This breakfast is quick and easy and ideal if you’re on the go, to snack on your car or on the bus!
All you need:
- your favorite smoothie combination (apples, strawberries and frozen blueberries)
- 1/2 cup of almond milk (plant based milk of your choice)
- some granola
Chuck your fruits and milk in the blender and blitz for a couple seconds before slowly adding the granola. The granola will thicken the smoothie so add carefully to reach desired consistency.
Image supplied by Xoey Khumalo
I have fallen in love with plain yoghurt and this is what I eat every single morning. It’s healthy and filling and budget friendly. You can add your favorite fruit into the mix to suit your taste buds.
All you need:
- granola
- plain yogurt
- fruit (optional)
pour granola into a bowl and add your yogurt. Mix it all up and add your fruit. I love eating my granola with some strawberries. Adding two strawberries cut in half to the bowl is more than enough for me!
Image supplied by Xoey Khumalo
the first time I saw this was last year. My partner had been talking all week about banana pancakes. The day came, he whipped out al his ingredients and started making them. I was so confused, seeing as there was no flour… How was he going to make the batter? This is sweet, but goes well with a glass of unsweetened milk!
You will need:
- 2 ripe bananas
- 1 egg
literally, that’s it. Mash your bananas and add in your eggs and fry in the pan on low heat. It works best on a a nonstick pan. Drizzle some honey and fruit on it and eat up.
Image supplied by Xoey Khumalo
So, there you have it. Apart form your conventional bacon and eggs or porridge cereal, these are my favorite. They are budget friendly, simple, filling and NUTRITIOUS to eat!
Let me know if you have tried out these ideas and share your favorite easy recipe ideas!
*Please note that the views and thoughts expressed by this contributor does not necessarily reflect those of iloveza.com
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