Change of season ready

Later sunsets and crisp mornings herald the coming of winter. With these changes we can also expect different driving conditions. The managing director of MasterDrive, Eugene Herbert, provides tips on how to adjust your driving to best handle these changes.
- On misty mornings, remember to not switch your bright lights on as the beams will reflect off the mist. Rather use low-beams or fog lights.
- On very cold mornings be prepared for frost. This will make the roads more slippery and require larger following distances, gentler braking and more caution when going around corners or around other hazards.
- Leave greater following distances as well.
- As dawn breaks later and dusk sets sooner, you can expect to drive more in changing light or even darkness. If you do not already automatically switch your headlights on as soon as you get in the car, take care to do so now.
- To avoid the glare shining into your eyes change your usual routine and routes. Leave earlier in the mornings or take alternative routes where the glare is not as bad.
- Polarised sunglasses can also help with glare.
- Keeping your windscreen clean can assist with this.
- Avoid glare by raising your seat position so you are higher up.
- Lower your visor before you leave so you are not blinded suddenly as you round a corner.
- Do not use high-gloss vinyl cleaners on your dashboard.
- Areas in South Africa which experience very low temperatures might have ice on the roads. Drive carefully through areas likely to be affected by ice, like under bridges. Also make a point to learn what to do if you start to lose control on ice.
Avoid the cost and even tragedy that can happen if you do not adjust for the change of seasons. It only takes a few changes to be ready and it can save you plenty.