King Price xtreme motorsport teams ready to fight for their thrones

They ended their debut season with a national title for team leader Clint Seller.
Now the King Price xtreme superbike racing team is ready to take things to the next level in 2020 with a 3-man team that’s raring for action, with the first race of the season on 2 February 2020, at Zwartkops.
Reigning SA Superbike champion Seller has already made it clear that he won’t be relinquishing his crown without a fight, while young protégé Dino Iozzo is aiming for his first national title after winning the final race of the 2019 series at the Red Star Raceway late last year.
They’re joined this year by newcomer Sifiso Themba. 7 years ago, Themba had never even ridden a motorbike – but in 2020, he’s hoping to cement his place as one of the leading riders in the highly competitive Kawasaki ZX-10R Masters Cup.
“This year we’ve taken things to the next level, and we’re ready for King Price xtreme to be known to supersport fans as the team behind the adrenaline rush”,
says Siyamthanda Williams, brand development manager for King Price.
6-time national champion Seller has high hopes for the 2020 season – and not just for his own title aspirations:
“A big part of my success last year was the partnership with King Price xtreme. Running a racing team is a lot of work, and having them in our corner took a lot of stress away, and allowed us to focus on what we do best,”
said Seller.
As its name suggests, King Price xtreme is all about the extreme side of wheeled sports. Apart from the superbike team, the brand is also heavily involved in karting and off-road racing: It sponsors leading off-roader Schalk Burger, who this year missed out on the iconic Dakar race due to injury.
Adding to the adrenaline-filled year ahead, King Price is also the headline sponsor for a new car racing series called Track Attack, which sees 80 drivers competing for a prizes worth R100,000. The first race of the season is on 25 January at Zwartkops Raceway.
King Price’s growing involvement with motorbike racing has mirrored its development of its bike insurance portfolio. The company started offering motorbike cover in 2019, including the ability for bikers to insure their biking gear for an extra R1, and cover for accidental damage that happens at approved track circuits.
“We saw big gaps in the existing bike insurance market. Policies based on a motorbike’s retail value generally undervalue the bike, so the first thing we did was devise a model that allows our clients to insure their motorbikes for an agreed value, which includes its accessories, and which doesn’t depreciate. This means your bike is always insured for what it’s worth,”
said Williams.