RAK Events Challenges Corporates vs. Privates in 2021’s Winter Warmer Blanket Drive

A heart-warming initiative led by RAK Events to keep South African’s warm this winter by making a DIY No-Sew Blanket
RAK Consulting and Events (“Random Acts of Kindness), a South African based start-up company that develops innovative, fun, and exciting initiatives for volunteers, today launch their Winter Warmer Blanket Drive Challenge.
This Challenge is a fun Corporate vs. Privates challenge to encourage all individuals from all walks of life as well as corporate companies to participate in making a blanket for someone desperately in need in South Africa’s winter season.
Corporate Social Investment/initiatives in South Africa are often defined as a way of demonstrating corporate social responsibility and engaging in activities that improve the social, environmental and economic well-being of a community. The impactful CSI projects speak to the values of an organisation and should make a positive contribution to a company’s brand.
After 2020’s pandemic hit, affecting the events industry and CSI outdoor volunteering events, our “New Normal” has opened doors for the RAK team to be creative, innovative and optimistic. It has allowed the team to generate ideas and come up with CSI initiatives like the “Winter Warmer Challenge” which is also a “virtual volunteering” challenge.
Each box, known as a “Precious Box of Hope” contains a DIY No-Sew Blanket kit and can be purchased on the RAK Events website for R350.00 including delivery to your door. This is an awesome activity to include kids and family members in creating something incredibly special that will comfort someone this winter. Should you wish to be a “virtual volunteer” and do not have the current capacity in your day to day life to join this awesome drive, The RAK team are offering to do all the work for you. RAK will also be delivering the blanket on your behalf to an individual in need. Another amazing feature is that with every blanket box you purchase, LOREAL South Africa are sponsoring a sanitising pack to the value of R500.00 which will be included in each delivery.
“Our mission is to become the leading CSI Implementing partner of both virtual and on-site volunteering platforms, creating innovative volunteering opportunities for both skilled and unskilled individuals within Corporate companies across the globe.”
- Michelle Wohlberg (CEO - RAK Events)
Join in on this amazing campaign by purchasing your “Precious Box of Hope” to make a difference in the life of another.