Which Fleet Safety Awards’ category fits?



Entries for the Fleet Safety Awards have been open for almost two months giving entrants plenty of time to look at the different categories available.


While some may immediately know which categories are the perfect fit for them, others may hesitate, uncertain which of the five to enter.


The CEO of MasterDrive, Eugene Herbert, says the categories in the Fleet Safety Awards cater to a wide range of individuals and organisations committed to road safety.

“Whether you are the fleet manager striving to protect drivers, the organisation investing time and funds into road safety or the driver fully committed to reducing crashes, there is a category recognising these efforts."


MasterDrive is aware making a difference starts at the top of an organisation and trickles down. It takes a team fully committed, with an awareness of the importance of each role in promoting road safety, to make this a reality. The Awards, consequently, recognise each of these layers within an organisation,”

says Herbert.


Fleet Safety Awards’ categories

Best Fleet Manager

This category recognises a fleet manager dedicated to implementing the safety procedures and policies of their organisation and going above-and-beyond to create a team of drivers committed to road safety and equipped with the tools to make this possible.


All fleet managers can enter whether you manage light, medium or heavy commercial vehicles. Illustrate the lengths you go to, to create a team of drivers where road safety is a strong part of their ethos resulting from the support they receive from their fleet manager.  


Best Organisation

Enter this category if your organisation embodies road safety by implementing several procedures, policies and other initiatives to ensure this is upheld within the organisation. The winner of this category will win the illustrious Phillip Hull Floating Trophy named after a leader in road safety in South Africa. 


Road Warrior

The Road Warrior shows exceptional commitment to road safety. Traditionally, a road warrior is defined as someone who frequently travels for business and who does much of their work while on, or in between, their travels. To enter this category, entrants must display their dedication to being a safe driver and show how they play their role in creating safer roads.


Like Best Fleet Manager, any driver can enter whether they operate light, medium or heavy commercial vehicles. The Road Warrior Award serves to motivate the individuals behind the wheel to promote road safety.


Best Employer

This award is for organisations that exert effort in equipping employees with the tools, skills and support necessary for them to become the safest drivers on the road. Employees can nominate their employers for prioritising their safety.


Best Truck Stop

Recognises truck stops that provide a safe place to stop with good amenities and which play a significant role in supporting driver safety. This year, it includes the most improved truck stop, highlighting facilities that made noteworthy enhancements to better serve drivers.


Enter the Fleet Safety Awards 2024, on the Fleet Safety Awards website. Entering before 17 July also creates an opportunity to win even more. During the Early Award Entry period, there are six fantastic prizes to be won including entry to Cape Town-Sevens, pit entry to Simola Hillclimb and Festival of Motoring tickets.  

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