Recipe: Boeber – otherwise known as Pez… by Hungry for Halaal

Did you get your Oppieberg Certificate for making it to the half way mark of Ramadaan? Friday night marked half way through Ramadaan. For most of the Malay community in Cape Town this is also when that delectable milky beverage of vermicilli, sago, cinnamon and cardamon known as Boeber is first made in the month. Koknis have been making it all month and often have a bowl at iftaar when breaking the fast.
About 3 years ago, I posted a recipe for boeber, along with a bit of history about the dish. Today I’m sharing the Kokni version which is called Pez. The main difference is the addition of Tasty Wheat or Semolina. I have had it thin and runny enough to drink from a cup or extra thick like pudding which has your spoon standing up straight which was just as delicious. I like it as a porridge, somewhere in the middle, not too thick, not too thin.
Here is my recipe for this hearty and warming dish.
Pez Method Variation: A teaspoon of Methi (Fenugreek) powder added into the mixture as it simmers gives this dish a completely different dimension. Methi is slightly bitter so start with less and increase to taste. Omit the rose water if you’re going to use methi powder. |